Here you can find a personal collection of entrepreneurial videoclips.
Don’t forget to also look at the HU Berlin Entrepreneurship Education Corner, the Entrepreneur Videos, Kauffman Entrepreneurial Clips, Stanford ecorner.
If you know some other interesting stuff – mail me.
Entrepreneurial motivation
The Entrepreneurial Spirit
The Entrepreneurial Spirit – shows you the inspiration of executing exciting business ideas. Find on Vimeo.
Entrepreneurial motivation for creative people and startups
A motivational videoclip that should stimulate pro-active initiative. Thanks to Berlin Startie Lars K. Find on Youtube.
What if Money didn’t matter
A personality fostering clip, to think about satisfaction in your life. “Therefore it is so important to consider this question: What do I desire.”
Be the change you want to see in this world. Find on Youtube.
Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs
Let’s raise kids to be entrepreneurs
An entrepreneurial clip, teaching how to raise your kids to stand on their own feet and become entrepreneurial, opportunity taking. Enjoy it: Find on TED.
Design the New Business, business models
Understand the business model canvas.
Alex Osterwalder introducing the business model canvas and explaining how to use it. Must watch! The video is for free 🙂 Find on Youtube.
Alexander Osterwalder – Keynote – Burn your business plan
Alexander Osterwalder talking about the Business model canvas and why to burn your business plan at Charité Entrepreneurship Summit 2012. Find on Vimeo. Apply it right now with Udacity.
Design the new business.
About the importance of designing for exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities with the use of business canvas and design thinking. Find it: Find on Vimeo.
Clips with founders
Niklas Zennström @TU Berlin
TU Berlin, Talk with Niklas Zennström, Skype-Co-Founder. Find on Vimeo.
Startupszene Berlin
Startupszene Berlin
Startupszene Berlin, the movie that illustrates the Berlin startup eco system. Find on Youtube.
The 10 Myths of Entrepreneurship
The 10 Myths of Entrepreneurship
Inspirational video about the 10 myths of entrepreneurship. Find it: Find on Youtube.