The German startup magazine “Gründerszene” published a research about unicorn startups (startups with a valuation higher than one billion USD) listing currently (01/2022) the follwing 25 startups in Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt.
Berlin (19): Berlin Brands Group, Contentful, Enpal, Flink, Forto, Getyourguide, Gorillas, Infarm, Mambu, N26, Omio, Raisin DS, Razor Group, Sellerx, Sennder, Solarisbank, Tier, Trade Republic, Wefox.
Frankfurt (1): Clark.
Munich (5): Agile Robots, Celonis, Flixmobility, Personio, Scalable Capital.

Please find the detailed article and source here:
Also Deutsche Startups created a list here:
You might also find the article about German stockmarket listed (Ex-) Startups interesting. Some of them are also unicorns.
— Update —
Regularly I add more startups are manually to the list: